Year End Review

Okay, so I know this post seems rather predictable. This is the time of year that it really hits you that another year is almost over and you start to look back at what you did or did not do over the previous 12 months. I won’t bore you with details and a long list of accomplishments and failures, I honestly haven’t spent the time to think about all that has happened in 2014. I will say that as I thought over the year and the variety of ups and downs that we have had I thought about how God has provided me with exactly what I always asked for. I graduated college with no idea what I wanted to do, but I did know that I didn’t want a job that had me doing basically the same thing everyday.  I also hoped for something outdoors. When the Lord blesses you, he really blesses you! While many things about our day to day are the same (we do have two small kids) so much of our day, most days, is play it as it comes. That is pretty much how we live our life and I can’t say it is just because we are in Ethiopia, but that does often add to the spontaneity of our days. There have been some high highs and low lows this year but God was with us all the way and taught us, comforted us and showed us His love. What more can you ask for?

A few pictures from 2014. They are random but somewhat in chronological order.

year end collage

Merry Christmas and God Bless. See you in 2015!



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